The world was going smooth, all the things were routinely being followed and people were happy or thought themselves to be happy. Then there was an outbreak of a deadly virus known as the COVID-19. This virus required us to do many things and follow many restrictions.
In times of COVID-19 we tried and adopted a lot of changes. Social distancing, staying home with family members - sharing and caring for each other, introspecting ourselves, and above all the "work from home". We learnt that we could do certain things without being too messy about it and also that if we manage time properly, we will be able to manage all our works - whether on the office front or the home fare.
Yes COVID-19 taught us to many things. If we want to look only at the negative side, we would reach nowhere, so start being positive about it. Be happy that a chance to stay with your loved ones was made available due to this COVID19, instead of cribbing that you have been locked at home. There is going to be a totally different world hereafter with a lot of changes and we will have to adapt to the said changes.
We, in the near future, will not be able to enjoy as it used to be. But yes, instead of going to movie theaters, we will get time to explore the historic heritage, or may be the parks with all the beautiful flowers and butterflies in them with fresh air, or may be to do all those things which we were once passionate about.
Forget online, not because it is said that today's generation in more techno-savvy, but because this techno-savvies did come to know that they are worth more than the technology. This generation learnt that technology is not only to do office work, it is also useful in doing household chores. Google search and you will find hundreds of videos on YouTube telling stories about cooking and thousands of followers therein. There are kids who uploaded videos just for fun, but that lead to they being more and more creative with innovative videos being uploaded regularly. There were also posts running on the social media telling how to mop the floor, clean the utensils or do house hold chores in the minimum possible efforts just as there were posts telling how people should behave when working online. The posts told that people should still be professional though they are working from home, they should get dressed properly as if going for work and then start doing their office work from home. The virus taught us so many things, which we would otherwise not have learnt such as we can still lead our life without going out every evening to enjoy the junk food or a movie or some road side eatery, or shopping uselessly for things which sometimes we never even use.
We learnt to be independent. We learnt to manage things, we learned the technologies which would be useful to us rather than wasting our time in reading forwarded messages or uselessly chatting with friends.
Most importantly, we learnt to save. The element of "savings" had just vanished from the dashboards of many people. They just believed in earning and spending, but now they are cautious- they ask a question before spending as they have understood the importance of money.
So, take a pen and paper and list down all the things you did during this lockdown. You will come to know that you have done many more things in much better way managing the office and the house.